Saturday, February 14, 2015

#BCN – We don’t want David.

#BCN – We don’t want David.

Thankfully its now fully in the open, Bacanora and Rem are not on each other Christmas card lists.

Or I should say Colin and David. My understanding is that Colin’s relationship with Kiran is pretty good.

But lets go back awhile, when BCN first listed on AIM, many will know I was a firm supporter of them, I admire the company greatly and really do prize their professionalism. As always I spent time researching, trying to talk to the BOD, the Nomad, advisers, asking questions about the admission document etc.

After a few email contacts it became very evident that some of the comments being made by David were not consistent with those coming from the BCN corner and that a rift and frustration with David could be seen back then. I certainly won’t say who I spoke to nor who said what, due to strict confidentiality in correspondence but I came to disbelieve David and have never invested in a David company since. I also believe he mislead the market and continues to do so over AFRIAG but that’s another blog….

Since then, thanks to the likes of Doc, David has been seen to have lied on various occasions, particularly when it suits him to ramp his companies or boost his ego.

So back to the latest move, David trying to force himself on BCN, there is a name for people who try to force themselves on others but…..Anyway the question is, is this a good thing?

Well if we look at the share prices of the two companies we can see that they are both down, pretty similar amounts and similar in general to the market. So there certainly hasn’t been any kind of “Dave” effect in that region, nor a poor effect from BCN.

Has Dave managed to attract any big hitters or investors into the project…..No

If Dave is on the board will he be able to do much…..No he wont be able to vote on any REM related happenings due to clear conflict of interest.

So why would BCN want him on board ? A question I find it difficult to answer, David is good at attracting smallish investment into companies (i.e less than 10m), but has not got a good track record when things get serious. Will the large players pay more attention to the “worlds largest lithium deposit”? No quite the reverse they will look at David’s role in companies dating from Lonhro to now, his success and failure, his censorship by the nomads (and his firing of the ones that do this) and they will run a mile.

BCN asked REM to be an investor in the project, BCN to maintain working control and REM to provide the funding. The contracts were drawn up to reflect this, BCN remains in total control. All was happy until David became greedy and wanted to up his stake. He didn’t want to pay BCN a fair share and instead went down the route of buying BCN stock. This deprived BCN of money it needed to progress the projects. BCN’s response was to seek money from the same source as David on AIM. Since this time David has sat on the side, complaining about how slow BCN are, spending large sums of money on his own surveys and reports. Duplicating the efforts of BCN.

BCN’s response to all this has been simple. We will concentrate on the projects were we have the most control and REM have no control…. Essentially David has been such a pain in the arse that its screwed up REM’s share of the projects. No surprise there then. He’s signed contracts that have restricted REMs control, pissed of his partner and now is looking for a way to get what he wants.

The problem is that this isn’t going to get David what he wants, its’ all about his ego. All it will do is make Colin more determined to only advance the BCN projects. The largest lithium project in the world is not going to be all mined straight away, it will be extracted piece by piece over many years, so why would BCN not start with the areas they will get the most profit from…..

Quite a few investors have complained at the lack of news coming out of BCN, however BCN is really just entering the high diligence state of the project, this is the point where it’s important that they don’t just produce crap (pay attention David), but they produce top quality, unassailable reports to attract both funding and partners. Many many explorers fail at this stage and it really differentiates the bad companies from the more professional ones.

BCN does not need more exposure, it doesn’t need better PR, it doesn’t need a board member with the utter contempt of smaller private investors. It needs time, less distractions and a bit more money to progress a world class resource in the way it needs progressing. If they get this the SP will respond in time or when the market recovers.

If David is voted onto the board, you will get leaks, pumps and dumps, a lot more dilution and a company that will become a leper to the “real” world outside AIM and the cowboy “funders” will be the only partners.

#votenotodave. Let’s keep what little decency there is on AIM.


  1. Has Dave managed to attract any big hitters or investors into the project…..No

    Standard Life Due Diligence says different my friend

    1. Standard Life, don't give a monkeys for DD, they got offered a hefty discount, no doubt on the ability to offload in the near future, we don't know whether they are long term investors or just opportunisitic placing providers.
      But this is a far cry from the 100's of millions that will be needed to progress Mexico, yes this might be bourn by a JV partner, but that partner will need to have faith in BCN, if DL has his hands all over BCN, will this be likely ?
      Yes City cowboys will invest 10m with the ability to get out quickly if they want, but 100's of millions in property and equipment, on a forced long term basis ?

    2. So now your saying that Standard Life - a large UK pension fund - investing other peoples money, does not care where it invests that money? Come on ! that is a ludicrous statement to make.

      Sounds to me like you have been found out making this blogg and are now clutching at straws, because of the reaction you have got from it.

      Standard Life in the same paraphrase as City Cowboys !!

      Suggest you try harder but in the meantime look over your shoulder for the defamation of character suit on its way.

      Mexico JV will be sold on by DL well before the 100's of millions are needed. REM is an INVESTMENT Company not a suitor, he needs to get action which is a long time coming from BCN. His seat on the board if confirmed would expediate that action for the good of REM shareholders regardless of people like you trying to muddy the waters.

    3. Agree with comment at 1.23pm. Of course SL will have done meticulous DD, for icebergshares to suggest otherwise is simply barking or more likely, has a sinister agenda.

    4. Quick reply from me.
      Sl will care about quick money. Dd will care about how many can we get rid of in the next spike IMO. Note this is just my opinion. If you think sl funds give a f about a small cap penny company with billions of shares in issue I think your mistaken.

  2. They got cheap shares, and was unfair, any company can go and give a discount price to get funds, REM has YAGM to fight with now, DL should leave twitter its going to kill his career.

    1. So did all the closed shop investors on BCN listing, What is unfair is that the PI's never really stood a chance and I would say most are still 20% down.

      Whereas SL got a good deal with 4% ish of an Investment Company that will bring home the goodies, with a man at the helm who uses PR any way he can. SL paid more than 13 x what I paid and still got in cheap. They would have done alot more research than I did and also the writer of this article. To say that BCN would have been in conversation by email is wrong, they (BCN) would not do that. If they did how un-proffessional would that be ??

  3. But then again you could be very off the mark. Anyone can write that sort of thing and saying I won't reveal my sources lol. All the best.

  4. I noticed by your tweets and posts you do not like David lenigas. Also you started as a blogger the same time bancora minerals joined aim. Have you an agenda. All the best

    1. No Agenda at all, I started the blog several months before the BCN float.
      What I've said is open on here, re DL companies.
      I made a nice some of money on the initial REM rise awhile ago, I said to buy LGO at 2.50 and said on twitter I sold at 3.75 for a nice 50% profit. I was very happy with Afriag until it became apparent how little information AFRI was actually releasing about the S.African business. The Mozambique contract last year was announced in S.Africa 2 months before AFRIAG released it, which again I mentioned. We are led to believe that David releases all the information that PDR relates to him, however despite PDR flying to London to see DL and have a lengthy meeting all they talked about was a single figure ?, frankly unbelievable.
      I said that UKOG was being stupidly and misleading pumped at 1.4p by David and guess what happened.
      I make some nice money on AIM and it needs to regain a piece of its integrity, this isn't done by CEO's spouting off and giving out information which has many times deemed to be incorrect, or even pump pump pump then dilution.

  5. Its tells it how it is, read the both company RNS, many have been well out of tune, i like this blog. Well said,

  6. You sound just like that goon Doc fact I wouldn't be surprised if you were the prick himself, Frog

    1. Not Doc and I don't agree with everything he says, however he's been persistent in his calling out of David's inaccuracies.

    2. Personally I was thinking TW, two faced and arrogant. DH is just abusive without Tws brains.

    3. Yes 'Iceberg' but in Doc's case if you throw enough shit at the wall, some of it is bound to stick. Doc is just a serial de-ramper with an ego bigger than his brain. Frog

  7. I have read this post and wish to inform readers that avatar "Iceberg" it is not factual in most of what is written. I am not going to expand on this comment further as it is not in the public domain. In addition, I comment that I have never been censored by NOMADS on REM or any other company. REM has been not only funding the expansion outside of La Ventana, where the majority of the Sonora upside has been seen in the last 18 months, but has been the largest supporter of BCN shares as the major buyer of BCN's shares. REM continues to support BCN by funding expansion and buying up BCN shares. Regards to all David Lenigas

    1. Just because you buy shares in a company doesn't mean you support them. Most corporate asset stripers do this before they strip it.
      Btw people give opinions it's what makes this a great country and not N Korea.
      If you don't want opinions on public companies then don't make them public companies !

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. Iceberg, with respect, I'm not clear where in David Lenigas' reply to you here he says you can't have an opinion. He is presumably allowed to comment on strong claims you make publicly about him.

      You've made nice money off DL companies and now wish to throw cabbages. There's no rule against that but I think the man has a right to respond - and if this WAS North Korea, none of us would even be on the internet, we'd all be working the paddy fields, DL and the seemingly sainted Doc H, included.

    4. Some things he's been saying on twitter.
      I should be reported to the FCA.
      Bloggers like me should shut up and go away.
      If that isn't saying I shouldn't have an opinion I don't know what is.
      BTW I've also had a steady supply of (PR related companies) contacting me privately with a host of not very nice comments....
      Don't mind any of this, but the intention is clear.
      Yes David is allowed to comment, which is why I haven't moderated or deleted any of his comments and nobody else's apart from 1 comment which contained bad language and was rather unpleasant !.
      I've even left up the fake Colin one !

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Hey Glenn, we just got a mention on,hu! Elvis

  9. Swords drawn will the stab be in the back ?

  10. I have told our Iceberg before about telling tales that get him in trouble, I have taken his computer off him and sent him to bed - he will also have to miss ballet today asca punishment! iceberg's mummy xx

  11. All these handbags about DL, DH and TW. I have always assumed they are part of the same ring, coordinating their ramps and deramps to maximum personal benefit - except that TW is bankrupt which may be his best defence. I am invested in LGO and very happy with that position.....but I am even happier that DL is no longer on the board.

  12. I believe DH, TW, and previously BD (now he moved to more secure corporate job) are serial rampers and derampers. Their research is constructed from thin air and supported with similar quality articles on Motley Fool and Share Prophets. I don't like their strategy. Instead of finding good companies and sharing their wisdom why these companies will succeed DH crew is looking for reliable companies and attempt massive deramping.

    Now tell me that there is no agenda in their work. Somehow we should believe that these people waste their time and money (time is money) to write absurd articles instead of getting real job. Agenda is very simple- deramp good companies and buy shares at significant discount. Attack against good companies intensifies just before there are some potential good news in the pipeline.

  13. It is always easier to deramp good companies than find companies with genuine future success. That requires extensive research and philosophy about the context of the future. Deramping is way easier- you can install fear and uncertainty in 2 minutes to almost any investor. It is simple psychology. On the other hand there is one crucial element that separates one morning "pump-and-dump" companies and good companies- the ones with strong financials, good management and good performance. Such companies always bounce back. There might be some fluctuation of share price, but it always come to certain market equilibrium. Bad companies just spike in price difference for a day or two and go to oblivion. Other companies simply follow downward only trend and might move a hair or two after ramping up.

    I still want to come back to the psychological " uncle iceberg" portrait. Imagine kind and genuinely worried person, who dedicates his time and prospects of earning real wage in real world vs spending countless hours of writing articles on this blog, twitter or other platforms. Now how would that person survive? Does he phone "his friend" Cameron and ask for money when he is hungry? Or government simply sends him nice dole check, just for being such a good person with positive attitude to protect investors from wolves in AIM forest? I bet not. It appears that this platform or twitter is not bringing mr iceberg big money either. So there is only way left that can earn money to this blogger. Serial ramping and deramping of AIM companies. I wonder why mr iceberg does not deramp FTSE companies? Why doesn't he go after BARC, TSCO, ARM or equivalent companies? Instead he goes after subpenny sea of companies with a potential. Is he afraid that people with muscle will crush him? The ones who will go after his blog for posting ridiculous statements?

    Dear investors- do your research before investing your hard earned money. Don't be fooled, scammed or ridiculed by opportunist bloggers like this. They are certainly working not for your interest, but ON your fears and doubts. Some people like DH are less educated and cannot avoid swearwords, and others, like mr iceberg plays "good fella".

    1. I will respond to this later, but simply I have a job !, unusual as it might seem. I do find the time to right to write maybe 3 or 4 blogs a month and on occasion like this week where I am on holiday (half term looking after the kids) I will find time to do a bit more than that.
      If you know anything about me, you will know that nearly all of my blogs concern exploration stocks, I am just not interested in BARC or Tesco etc.
      Nor have I taken any position on BCN or REM, nor known or advised anybody to do so in the last few weeks or months.
      The soap opera that is BCN and REM and the pantomime figure of DL do however make interesting thoughts and reflect in a very magnified way the some of the problems facing investors in the risky world of AIM exploration companies.


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